Rail Infrastructure

Aurizon – Independent Transport Costs Review

Australia, QLD
Lycopodium reviewed several Queensland Competition Authority reports produced on Aurizon’s operating and maintenance costs for the regulated coal network.

In particular Lycopodium addressed the benchmarking analysis of Aurizon against the NSW Hunter Valley coal network. Lycopodium provided a draft on Aurizon’s response to the competition authority.
Lycopodium reviewed the ‘below rail’ maintenance strategies, the scope quantum and the associated unit costs to deliver these works. This also involved reviewing the network operating costs and capital works such as asset renewals. Maintenance and capital activities needed to be consistently categorised, assessed and then correctly benchmarked against another appropriate network, as some benchmarking was completed was against a non-comparable.
This work also included verifying other system wide maintenance metrics and asset quantities were correct and appropriately assessed and expensed in a comparable manner such as corporate overheads, train control, communication systems, electrical power and larger project delivery.

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